Two new scientific institutions will be established in Poland
Minister of Science and Higher Education Jaroslaw Gowin announced the creation of the National Institute of Technology and the National Agency for Academic Exchange. The first institution is to reform research institutes, and the second will create a systemic solution for academic cooperation.
The Minister of Science and Higher Education spoke at a conference on the strategy for the development of science and higher education. Gowin admitted that 2017 will be a key year, as a new bill on higher education will be presented. He also revealed that the National Institute of Technology (NIT) and the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) will be established.
NIT will spearhead the creation of a network of institutesóin research. Together, the institutes are to support the priority activities of the state. Currently, there are 117 such outpostsówek in Poland. Gowin announced, by the way, that ineffective institutes will be closed or transformed into spócommercial boats. An audit of state institutes is currently underwayóin research. Its results are expected to be known in September.
Experts admit that there are research units in Poland only ostensibly engaged in science. The activities of someórych is reduced exclusively to renting rooms. Over such placóThe specter of liquidation hangs in the air. Not all research institutes will join the established network of outpostsówek.
The system is modeled on a similar solution used in our western neighbor. Operating in Germany squareóResearch teams have been carrying out work on behalf of clientsóin from government, industry or services, and everything is controlled by an overarching entity – Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In Poland such a role will be played by NIT.
The second institution announced by the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). – We will realize in this wayób The demand has long been formulated by scientistsów. It is about an institution thatóra would be responsible for the system of wspóThe international cooperation, in other words, would create a systemic solution through which theórm Polish students and scientists would go on scholarships abroad, but róAt the same time many students would come to Polandóin and scientistsów from abroad,” explained Gowin. NAWA is to start operating at the latestóΕΊ until January next year.