The female leopard shark has begun to reproduce without the involvement of a male Leonie – A female leopard shark living at an aquarium in Townsville, Australia, has given birth to three young sharks. There would be nothing surprising about... Read more

An organization has been set up to develop new vaccines During the 47. The World Economic Forum in Davos has set up an organization to develop new vaccines for infectious diseases. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) has already... Read more

Powerful iceberg breaks away from Antarctica A month ago, we reported on a massive crack in the Larsen Shelf Glacier. The cracking of the glacier has greatly accelerated and the Larsen C glacier could disintegrate at any time. If this... Read more

Graphene already on sale In 2010, Andrei Gejm and Konstantin Novosiolov of the University of Manchester were awarded the Nobel Prize for their research on graphene. However, the theoretical description of the material itself was created much earlier, in 1947.... Read more

This is what the ancestor of man looked like? “It is the origin of a large group of species, including humans.” – The discovery provides a glimpse into the first stages of evolution, która over time led to the formation... Read more

There is growing competition for SpaceX. Spaniards are building reusable rockets The best way to reduce the cost of subróThe space veins are reusable rockets. A pioneer in this field is Elon Musk’s company SpaceX with its Falcon rockets. A... Read more

Scientists plan to send a message to Proxima b In order to search for contact with alien civilizations, the Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (METI) organization was established in San Francisco. The association is to take care of sending messages towards... Read more

Metallic hydrogen has been created? Some scientists have doubts Researchers at Harvard University have reported that they have succeeded in creating hydrogen in a solid metallic state. Its existence was predicted some 80 years ago, but it is only now... Read more

The finalists in the Google Lunar X Prize have been selected The competition is organized by the X PRIZE Foundation, and the mainóThe main sponsor is Google. The condition of the competition is to land on the Moon by the... Read more

Roskosmos: there is a need to build a lunar orbital station Igor Komarov, head of the Federal Space Agency – Roskosmos, admitted at a cosmonaut conference that there is a need to build an international lunar orbital station. The first... Read more